Long Haired Lover – Alex Geerman by Michael Epps

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So you know that I have a thing for geeky looking guys, muscle jocks, hairy muscle men... but perhaps I haven't told you about my love of hippy/alternative guys before? I guess I just love guys, and I'm not really that fussy. They just need to be gorgeous and have a nice bod, and I'm there appreciating them.

I used to go to this local alternative club full of goths and punks, but one of the hottest guys I ever met there was a long-haired hippy dude. He was only 19 at the time, and I guess he was young and opinionated, and had that kind of self-righteous attitude about him while trying to mask it all with "peace and love" lol

But, regardless of him being very outspoken and critical of everyone who wasn't as "centered" as he was (yep, I think we've all met those guys, right?) he was actually really sexy and sweet when you could distract him long enough from his act.

Alex Geerman totally reminds me of him. Although I'm certain this male model doesn't have that kind of attitude, he really does have the same build and similar looks. My long-haired lover was a little more rugged, but this guy is definitely not the kind of hunk I would ever throw out of my bed!

These really hot and sexy pics were taken by the talented Michael Epps, and I think you'll agree that they totally do the guy justice and show off his delicious bod perfectly!

Alex Geerman Alex Geerman Alex Geerman Alex Geerman Alex Geerman Alex Geerman by Michael Epps Alex Geerman by Michael Epps Alex Geerman by Michael Epps Alex Geerman by Michael Epps Alex Geerman by Michael Epps  

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13 years ago

I love you!!!

13 years ago

my TO DO LIST: BLOND German men!

and I don’t like LONG hair…but OMG!..he is a god

Happy Holidays!


Bill Cameron
Bill Cameron
2 months ago

He’s a hot boy. My favorite is GUILLE CHÓA.

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