Amazing Imagery By Arno Roca

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When I was an art student, I had a scrap book of images and words that would follow me everywhere. It was packed with some of the most imaginative and expertly executed photography and fine art, picked up from all over the place. I'd collect images from magazines and papers, take Polaroids of advertising boards and even random people in a bar or in the street. It was my inspiration. Plenty of professionals educated me in how to create an interesting image, and they never even knew it.

People like Arno Roca were my teachers. Their images were food for me, and I could spend forever looking through their work. My main focus had always been the male form, whether I was snapping pictures or painting on canvas, and images like these from this amazing photographer would have been right up there with the best of them.

I can't actually recall if I had any work by this amazing photographer at the time (it is a few years ago now!) but the style and substance really rings some bells for me.

I love these images. The men in these photographs are captured so well, with a sometimes quirky and always interesting slant too. I thought you might appreciate seeing some of these. The first is of gorgeous Roman Blinov - more to come very shortly!

Roman Blinov By Arno Roca

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