Tagged: Ricardo Baldin


Ricardo Baldin Has Just Enough Fur

Occasionally I see a collection of photos with a title for them and I just don’t get it. And yes, I’m going to say that I just don’t get why this shoot by Clayton Brannon is called “Ignition”. Not that I care much about that, the sight of handsome and hunky Ricardo Baldin is enough to distract me from anything else....

A Lazy Sunday With Ricardo Baldin (1) 4

A Lazy Sunday With Ricardo Baldin

How do you spend your Sunday? I’m quite sure that most of you don’t attend any religious services, or spend the day crocheting doilies. Some are probably dealing with the hangover from the night before, wondering how they got that bruise on their thigh or how they came across the traffic cone now perched precariously somewhere. And of course, some...