Tagged: Ollie Ali


Pietro Boselli Being Super Sexy In The Sun

We have a lot of models we like to see her at Gay Body Blog, guys who I know will get the clicks and have a lot of you ogling them appreciatively. I think Pietro Boselli has to be one of the most popular we have ever witnessed, and it’s easy to see why. We’ve been admiring and enjoying this...


More Lock Down Activities With Pietro Boselli

Am I the only one who quickly got bored of reading about celebrities’ workout routines while they’re at home during these weird times? I mean I get that a lot of people are probably staying in shape any way they can but I refuse to believe that the majority of people aren’t sitting around on the couch eating cheesy snacks...


I Would Love To Lock Down With Pietro Boselli

I guess we all knew it was coming. Photographers who had a good shoot to deliver before the world went mental are now rebranding their shoots to release them as relevant to our current predicament, and while it might not make sense in every scenario I’m not complaining when those shoots feature men like Pietro Boselli. It should go without...


I’d Love To Isolate With Pietro Boselli

This is a very apt collection of photos of absolutely gorgeous Pietro Boselli, and I’m certain I’m not the only one looking at these photos and imagining how much more fun it would be to be isolating at home with this guy. If you don’t know who Pietro is, where have you been? We’ve seen him a few times on...