Tagged: Jock Muscle


Hunks In The Sun And Wearing Little

I’m going to be entirely unreasonably unseasonal in this post, going from hoping you all had a lovely Christmas, to showing you some hunks in the sun for Narciso Swimwear… So, did you have a nice few days? Did you eat too much, drink too much, and perhaps have an argument with a relative you had all but forgotten was...

Shameless Jock Muscle - Stefan Gatt (1) 3

Shameless Jock Muscle – Stefan Gatt

Okay guys I think it’s time for another gym-inspired collection of pics from me, and after the last collection of pics of the hunky Trystan Bull letting it all show, I found some really hot jock muscle pics of the gorgeous Stefan Gatt that I definitely had to share on here with you guys! I actually don’t know a whole...