Tagged: ES Collection Russia

Incredibly Fine Men For ES Collection Russia (4) 2

Incredibly Fine Men For ES Collection Russia

This might be a little bit of a contentious post, simply because the word Russia appears in the title. I know how you feel, and I was almost tempted to omit any mention of Russia at all from this post. I love ES Collection, but I am so angry with the Russian government for bowing to religious crazies that I...

Muscle Hunks In Underwear - For ES Collection Russia (1) 3

Muscle Hunks In Underwear – For ES Collection Russia

I guess they might have missed the memo. ES Collection Russia are continuing in their traditional presentation of the male models they feature for this shoot, despite new homophobic laws across the country making this basically illegal and making them a potential target for Nazi vigilantes. Perhaps someone should send them an email and advise them that maybe keeping the...