Tagged: Romain Coupry


I Think Romain Coupry Needs A Massage, We’d All Oblige

Happy Tuesday guys! I hope you’re having a lovely week. I’m currently sitting at my desk sweating my balls off, I’m not sure if I’m enjoying it or not. Someone who isn’t a sweaty mess is handsome French hunk Romain Coupry. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen him. We last got a good look at this very sexy man...


Hairy And Fit Male Model Romain Coupry Reveals All

So, it’s Christmas Eve! Only one more sleep to go before we’re all opening gifts, dealing with drunk uncle and falling asleep on the couch after watching a WW2 movie. After writing that I realized I’d just described my childhood Christmases. Thankfully it’s different now, or maybe for you it isn’t? Regardless, however you’re spending these few days you can...