Tagged: Jordan Torres


Jordan Torres Is Looking Damn Fine In These Relaxed Shots

Put your hand up if you bought a set of weights at the start of last year. Now put your other hand up if you haven’t used them half as much as you convinced yourself you would. Clap in celebration. I did exactly that. I started out thinking that I would make the most of the months we were all...


Jordan Torres Can Really Fill Out Some Underwear!

I confess that after seeing Jordan Torres looking so sexy and buff yesterday, and having not featured him on the Gay Body Blog since way back in 2012, I spent more time than I should have yesterday afternoon looking around at all the deliciously sexy shoots he’s been in while I wasn’t looking. That’ll teach me for not paying attention...

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Jordan Torres In Underwear – Greg Vaughan

I was actively seeking something to post today, and I was thinking that some hot young lad in some tight and sexy underwear would probably be the best option. So, when I found some hot and sexy pics of Jordan Torres in underwear I knew that this was the collection of photos to share. Of course, it helps that Greg...