You Know We Need More Of Sexy Michael Scanlon

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After enjoying this gorgeous man on Friday you must have known we would be seeing more of him real soon. I was happy to get out there and spend a while looking for some more pics of the sexy man, can you imagine a nicer way to spend your time?

There's probably going to be more of him in the future, too. He's been modeling for a while and I'm surprised we haven't seen him around these parts before. Better late than never I suppose.

I've found out a little more about the sexy man. He's from Chicago and he's the studious type. The Rugby playing behavioral analyst turned MBA student and male model has plenty of strings to his bow, and I don't know about you but that just makes him even hotter.

Isn't it annoying when a gorgeous man like this also happens to be intelligent and well rounded? lol

This second helping of hotness from the handsome hunk shows him progressing a little. I think you can tell which photos are the newest ones, and he somehow looks even hotter as he gets older.

Enjoy him, and leave a comment if you want to see more of him. I'm sure there are plenty of other shoots out there I haven't seen yet and if you give me the excuse to go hunting for more of him it would make a very nice afternoon for me :)

Have a lovely Sunday!

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4 years ago

He is undoubtedly one of the most gorgeous guys and models out there. Now THIS is what models and bodies are all about. You have found perfection.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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