Why Are We Still Not Drowning In Philippe Bélanger Shoots?

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It's been quite a few months since we last saw the ridiculously gorgeous Philippe Bélanger in his first shoot on the blog, and I actually expected that after bursting out into the modeling scene with a shoot like from David Vance we would soon be awash with awesome images of the stunning young man as every photographer in the world clamored to meet him.

Well, I don't know why, but it seems he hasn't done a whole lot since that shoot appeared, and I really can't understand why.

Of all the guys we've ever seen on this blog I think Philippe Bélanger might be one of the most attractive, and one of the most lusted after men we've ever enjoyed.

You can't look at him and claim he's anything other than beautiful.

He's so attractive and so well built too, it's just baffling to me that he hasn't been in a thousand shoots already.

These shirtless pics were all I could find, other than the images we've already seen.

If you're a photographer (I know a few of you check out the blog now and then) I hope you're looking into making contact with this incredible guy for a shoot, or ten. He deserves to be out there a whole lot more than he seems to be, and we deserve to see more of him! :)

Let me know in the comments what you guys think, isn't he amazing?

Have a fantastic Monday :)

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5 years ago

He’s touring the US in Cirque du Soleil’s Vplta.

5 years ago

He’s stunning, I just feel his talent is wasted though with only showing shorts, shirts, and underwear. If he went fully nude and went with some professional photographers who photographs the male nude, like dylan rosser, rick day, etc. then he’d be a big name.

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