We Need To See Patxi Mira Naked
Back in January I was shocked when a post of photos featuring Patxi Mira got absolutely no comments at all. I was sure that this gorgeous hunk was going to grab you all by the balls and have you gushing (take that as you will) compliments in the comments at the bottom. You all voted it up, but didn't say anything.
Maybe you were all just dumbfounded by the sight of this incredible hunk? That's what I'm going with lol
I expect some comments on this post, though :)
He's a gorgeous man, and although he was a big muscled stud back then he's looking a bit more lean in this sporty shoot by photographer Duke Wiin.
He's also being a little more sexy and teasing in this one, too. I love it when a ripped dude like this shows some bush in his photos and it definitely has me wanting a whole lot more of him.
Has he posed naked yet? He seems like the kind of man who would for the right photographer in the right theme and style, but I don't know. I think I might have to spend some time looking around out there. Keep your fingers crossed that he has!
Enjoy his pics, definitely leave a comment, and hit that thumbs up button too. Share the post so your lucky friends and followers get to enjoy him.
Have a fantastic Friday!

Si thought we were going to see this handsome guy naked, full frontal etc. What’s the deal here?