Salvador Pozo Offers A Homage To Tom Of Finland

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I had to get these photos on here for you guys even though I had a feeling some of these hunks might get a little criticism for the smoking and the tattoos. Some of you guys are such puritans! lol

As you can probably tell, there's more than a little bit of appreciation for the artistic imaginings of Tom of Finland in these photos, and although some of you might not see it there are obviously a lot of guys here who can see some of these pics and instantly imagine the original drawing.

I'm not sure that anyone has thought to bring Tom's drawings to life in this way before, but photographer Salvador Pozo has done an excellent job of it here even if it's not something entirely new. I trust someone here will let me know if this has been done already...

I probably don't need to point out the incredible dimensions of a couple of these guys either. While some might suspect that one or two of these dudes has some "enhancement" going on, I'm inclined to believe it's all natural. Maybe I just want to believe that?

It's a great collection of photos, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have :)

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