I Want An Adventure With Renato Freitas

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I think I have an unexplored fetish. I saw these photos of the handsome Renato Freitas and immediately I was thinking what it would be like to go on an adventure and sleep under canvas with him. Then I started thinking about Bear Grylls and had to bring myself back to this post after a few minutes.

What does this say about me? I think it means I have a desire to be taken away on an adventure by a hunky shirtless man, but then I don't think I'm the only one.

We've seen Renato Freitas on the blog before of course, back in July when he appeared in a shoot by photographer Rafael Manson, wearing undies in Thailand.

This shoot is much better though, for obvious reasons.

The Brazilian hottie is looking gorgeous in his jungle themed shoot by Third Balleras, showing off his hot body. He's such a handsome guy it's hard to say exactly what it is about him that gets me all revved up, but I think that's what happens when a dude has so much going on, you can't just pick out one thing that makes him so alluring.

The only thing that could make this shoot hotter is some full-on nudity. And now I've said that it's all I can think about lol

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