Hugely Huge Pasi Schalen

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Okay, so I think this dude is gonna be a little controversial here. I know we all like some muscle on a dude, but when is it too much muscle? You probably know that I don't normally like the hugely huge muscle guys. I know a few dudes who are aiming for a body like this and I just don't get it. I love them the way they are at the moment, fit and ripped. Sometimes, I think getting to this kind of muscle mass becomes almost ridiculous. They're like cartoon characters.

But, having said that, theres something about this guy that I really like, and I think if he offered me a ride on that bod I don't think I'd turn him down! Yeah, I guess I am quite complex like that lol

The dudes name is Pasi Schalen, a multi-talented muscle god from Helsinki, Finland, but now lives in... wait for it... Los Angeles!

He's really sporty, as you can see from a couple of pics here. He played Pro Ice Hockey for ten years and then appeared on Roller Jam/Roller Derby on the CBS network. Nope, I have no idea either.

Now, what would a guy like this do somewhere like LA? Yep, he's now into acting and directing on a few interesting projects, so possibly expect to see more from this guy in the future. I can see him being in some stunt roles or something, maybe an action film or two alongside the likes of Vin Diesel maybe? It's about time though right? We've been missing out on muscled action men for the last decade!

Pasi Schalen - Insane Bulges Pasi Schalen - Way Back When Pasi Schalen - The Geoge Michael Look Pasi Schalen - Sporty Older Jock Pasi Schalen - Ripped Pasi Schalen - Like a Statue Pasi Schalen - Huge Muscle Pasi Schalen - Hokey Pasi Schalen - Gigantic Muscle Pasi Schalen - Bodybuilder Pasi Schalen - Beach Pasi Schalen - 80's Style

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13 years ago

He’s perfect the way he is. It’s people like Skye Woods who are “too much muscle,” and then again it’s because of the 20% fat. Pasi Schalen looks 100% meat. Perfect.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Gosh,he’s so early nineties …his look doesn’t really go with that much muscle..

13 years ago

needs legwork-too much upperbody.todays physique builders-better aesthetics-symetrical and vascular-Pasi-is not one of them.he needs to slim down.

13 years ago

I`d never throw him out of bed, more like hug his huge muscles and sigh. 🙂

12 years ago

I’d like a bit more muscle on him. His biceps are good, but would look so much better if they were filled out just a bit more. Also, imagine how much better he’d look if he added a few inches on his pecs. Still, he’s pretty drool-worthy!

11 years ago

this is NOT too much muscle..Perfect

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