He’s A Sexy Bald Man We Want More Of – Harel
Is it right to describe him as a sexy bald man?
Maybe I need to clarify that my hairline is quickly evacuating the top of my face too, so I feel like I have a little bit of a right to appreciate him for this look.
I also want to point out that for many men we simply migrate our hair. I think my beard is probably a direct indicator of hor much hair I'm losing on my head lol
Anyway, moving on from that...
Harel is a very sexy man I don't believe we've ever seen here before.
If this is the kind of shoot he appears in I'm going to feel inclined to gather more pics of this guy and share them with you.
Because he's another model who goes with only one name it's hard to find out any information about him.
I can tell you Hair, Light & Shadow are responsible for taking these pics of the sexy bald man in his underwear.
We don't know much about them either. I'm guessing this is the kind of thing they do a lot. It's kind of ironic that Hair would be in their title while working with a man so lusciously bearded while having no har on his head.
I feel like there's a message there.
He's hot, no doubt about it.
Enjoy these pics. Hit the thumbs-up button. Leave a comment if you're follically challenged like me. I bet you're bearded too, right?
Have a great Saturday!

I certainly wouldn’t turn him away, what a sexy man!
The almost best ever!
Hot fukker!