Handsome Hunk Terry Miller For Tom Of Finland

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Every gay man alive is probably familiar with Tom of Finland. If you're not, then you need to perhaps do a little Googling and see what you've been missing. I first discovered Tom back in the 90's, when I was studying art, and studying cock for the first time too :) I passed in both areas of study, of course lol Terry Miller is actually the face of the Tom of Finland store, something I didn't even know existed. But, now that I've discovered him and it, I think I might be paying a little more attention. Obviously, they picked him for this role for some very specific reasons, most apparent of all is his similarity to the stereotypical hunk Tom used to give us in his work. He really does look like he belongs, from that handsome and mustachioed face to that muscled body to that smooth round butt. It's a sexy collection of images that I could have probably added as a nude post, but I thought you guys would enjoy this today. There's more to come of this handsome hunk, so stick around on the blog for more of him tomorrow. Let me know in the comments how and when you discovered Tom of Finland too! :)

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7 years ago

Dan Savage in one very lucky man.

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