Dani García Looks Great In Wet Boxer Briefs!
Three years ago we checked out handsome young Dani García for the first time, in a shoot with a couple of other hotties, and now we get to enjoy him in wet boxer briefs!
I admit, this has me wondering what else I might have missed from him in the last few years.
Sometimes there's a lot to catch up on, and I'm hoping that's the case with him.
I can tell you a little more about this gorgeous young man this time.
He's from Barcelona, Spain.
I should have known.
With a name like that, and looking the way he does, it kind of goes without saying.
I've been to Spain, I can confirm that they seem to have a large number of utterly gorgeous guys there lol
The blue-eyed hottie has definitely changed a little in the last few years. He's still ridiculously attractive, but he has matured a little and become a little more "clean-cut" and a little less "preppy". Does that make sense?
We really need to talk about those final pict of him in his wet boxer briefs.
Maybe it's because he's European, but he seems very comfortable being a sexy tease. I don't think there are any nude pics of him out there revealing all, but if they exist I plan to find them :)
I hope those dick teasing images, and that butt pic, mean he's willing to pose naked for the right photographer. We're all gonna be waiting for that!
Enjoy him. Leave a comment. Hit the thumbs-up button. I'll see you back here for more tomorrow.

dommage le manque d’imagination du photographe qui nous offre un seul cliché digne de ce nom