Zaid Valladares, Vitaly And Wgarznp Get Sticky For Blake Yelavich

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I know there's a whole fetish scene for people who get off on food and mess, but I can't say I've ever delved into it. I think it's like feet, you either know you're into it or you know you're not. You don't really need to investigate.

However, even though I'm totally not into the messy fetish stuff with food, I had to share these photos of three handsome hunks by photographer Blake Yelavich.

I don't think we've seen any of these three here on the blog before, but I guess some of you might want me to get out there and have a look around for more of each of them.

They're gorgeous, buff and ready to put on a sexy and colorful show for us in these photos, in a shoot titled Ice Cream Truck.

Unfortunately I can't really tell you who is who in his shoot other than the first guy is Vitaly. Mostly because it looks like there's four guys participating while only three have been named in the sources I could find.

Vitaly is a Ukrainian hunk with an awesome body and a great attitude. I especially want to see more of him in the future!

Enjoy his colorful collection of pics and leave a comment below. Let me know what you think of this messy display :)

Have a great Monday!

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Brent A. Mercer
Brent A. Mercer
3 years ago

I have to say having sex with chocolate syrup, whip cream can be very fun. These pictures are nice wish they showed more.

3 years ago

All three can always lick my lollipop, eat my scone, drink my liquids, etc.

3 years ago

PUMP,PUMP,PUMP, etc and viced man et la glace rompue.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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