Zach Greenfield and Tyler Scott Share Their Bulges For Timoteo

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I think a lot of you guys are really gonna enjoy this post, especially if you're one of those guys who goes to the gym and spends far too much time checking out all the ho guys in their underwear! I know, I have a problem. lol

But you cannot even try to tell me that if you were in this locker room with Zach Greenfield and Tyler Scott wandering about in their underwear you wouldn't have an instant boner and completely forget about what you were doing to go and have some "alone time" in a cubicle somewhere! lol

They're both stunningly gorgeous, obviously. But throw a couple of guys like this in a shoot in nothing but their undies, and in this kind of setting too, and you're gonna have a whole lot of guys paying some attention!

They're appearing in association with the Timoteo brand, one which we definitely love on Gay Body Blog. They always seem to come up with some really hot situations and settings for their sexy male models, and this one has to be one of the hottest for guys like me into the sporty men and the atmosphere of the locker room.

Have you decided which you'd rather be with? Personally, I'm imagining being in the middle of these two! lol

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13 years ago

OMG! OMG! How hot can you get me with these guys? thanks!!!!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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