You’re Gonna Love Uncut Latino Twunk Angel Santi

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As you might have noticed I've been enjoying a lot of the guys over at Jawked recently, and this uncut Latino twunk is one of my new faves. I had to Angel Santi with you, mostly because we're due some cock fun here on the blog today, but also because I love sharing their guys with you. Jawked is a pretty new studio but they have some of the hottest guys and they produce some really great videos. I'm always checking in there for what they've uploaded. This boy has impressed me since I saw his solo jack off in December. He came back last month to deliver his first bareback fuck for one of the other new arrivals and we're already hoping for more. I can't tell you how I know this, but I'm reliably informed that we should be seeing more of this uncut Latino twunk next month. I'm looking forward to it. He's a gorgeous young guy, with a hot natural body and a great intact dick. I would like to see him bottom, though. Enjoy some pics from his solo photo shoot and click here to see him putting that cock to good use at Jawked :)  

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2 years ago

Un ange triste, dommage car il a un trop beau visage et puis quelles belles fesses!

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