Young Muscle Guy Frank Wanking His Big Uncut Cock In The Gym

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Thank fuck the weekend is finally here! I have to admit this week has been a stressful one for me. Do you every have those days where the universe just seems to be conspiring against you? Yeah, I just had five days of that non-stop. But I'm not letting it get to me, and I'm rewarding myself (and you guys) for enduring this far - then again, it's not like we have a choice but to just get on with it lol So what do I have for you guys today that could finish the week on a horny high note.. how about a great video of a handsome muscled hunk getting his big uncut cock out and wanking some juice from his balls? Frank is a very sexy buff young man with some muscle, but not ripped and pumped like so many of the other guys. He might be in his bulking stage, but then again he might just be a young man who likes to lift occasionally but doesn't do the whole gym thing like an addict lol It's been a little while since he was last on video there, but he was an incredibly popular performer last year, and his shared jack off with Mike was a real highlight for a lot of us (yeah, I'm a member there). Check out some pics and click through to watch him rubbing one out in the gym!

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8 years ago

FUCK ME !!!!!

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