Young Marcio Almer Shows Off His Hot Bod

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Have you see the gorgeous and young Marcio Almer? I just saw a shoot with this stunning young man and had to get some of his pics on the blog for you guys, it's a nice addition for a Friday evening, right?

He's new to me, but I think we'll be seeing more of him in the future after this.

He's been photographed by Jeff Segenreich in a very sexy shoot, showing off his slight definition and his youthful build, and a sexy underwear bulge too.

It seems to go without saying that for a new guy to make it he has to show off some bulge, but we certainly appreciate that!

His boyish good looks go so well with that body, looking like he doesn't have time for the gym and just stays in shape playing football, and all that stuff those youngsters do these days lol

There's something refreshing about seeing a young man like this, obviously not spending hours sculpting his body and just being naturally built like that. Don't get me wrong I love a buff gym-toned hunk like the rest of you, but he just wouldn't look the same if he did that kind of thing for the cameras.

He looks like a boy next door type, and I think a lot of you guys are going to appreciate that.

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