Young Hunk Chris Delbeck

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Do you ever look at a male model and feel sure that you've seen them in hardcore gay porn before? I'm doing that right now with Chris Delbeck. I'm sure it's just my mind playing tricks on me, but he really looks like a couple of hot young European guys I've seen on video before, and it just makes these photos of him even more sexy.

Chris Delbeck is so sexy in my opinion, but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that he's on the cusp of transition from the sweet young male model to the hot and sexy jock-type guy we see in fashion shoots and editorials. You know what I mean by that, right? You can imagine that he's about to really bulk up and become a gym-buff young man appearing in fitness magazines or something.

He seems to be doing a lot of that kind of work already, flashing his abs and posing in some very sexy shots with a little flesh on show. The photographers obviously know what he's got and they know how to make him show it all off too ;)

Again, I will be looking for more of this handsome and buff young man out there, so stay tuned, you never know what I might find.

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11 years ago

Holy Hotness!! Love his looks, awesome! 🙂

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