Young, Cute And Seriously Buff – Ryan Sage

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I have another seriously sexy young male model for you guys to ogle and drool over this morning, and I know plenty of you will be doing exactly what when you see this guy. This is the first time we've seen Ryan Sage on the Gay Body Blog, but after this shoot by photographer Alex Wightman you can bet I'm going to be out there snooping around the Internet and seeing what else I can find of the guy. I think he's probably new to the male modeling business, but given that he's so cute and so fit I can imagine we'll probably be seeing a lot more of him after this. He looks like one of those A&F models, doesn't he? He has that look about him, a sexy combo of adorably cute looks with an amazing body to go with it. I can't help but wonder what this guy is gonna look like in ten years. I can imagine he's going to be one seriously sexy male model with a major career, if that's what he wants of course. I don't know what else he does but I think we can guess that he's a personal trainer, right? Every guy who looks like this is a personal trainer! lol Enjoy these pics, leave a comment and let me know if you want more of this guy, show some love and give him a thumbs-up. Young, Cute And Seriously Buff - Ryan Sage 0 Young, Cute And Seriously Buff - Ryan Sage 1 Young, Cute And Seriously Buff - Ryan Sage 2 Young, Cute And Seriously Buff - Ryan Sage 3 Young, Cute And Seriously Buff - Ryan Sage 4 Young, Cute And Seriously Buff - Ryan Sage 5

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8 years ago

I always chuckle at the ones with thumbs down who prefer them ugly, hairy, and very inked up. He is none of these, thank goodness!

8 years ago

Is it my eyeballz ?? These worked out guys all have similar bodies::: let’s see a dick shot please

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