Young Bad Boy Scott Buker

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I have to thank one of our awesome readers for this suggestion - thanks Tom!

He emailed to suggest that I check out some pics of a sexy young male model by the name of Scott Buker, and after just a little looking around out there on the internet I discovered that he would absolutely make a delicious addition to the Gay Body Blog.

I was advised that he was a bit of a pretty boy, and a bit of a bad boy too, and that is one hot mix in one guy! I think most of you will agree that Tom certainly had that description accurate.

He's so cute, and he has an awesome body too. He plays so many different characters in his photos that he can go from looking like the innocent preppy type to the bad boy from the other side of town, and he seemingly does it with such ease too.

I have a feeling that it would be hard to work out his personality from the photos, but I would relish the chance to hang out with him and see for myself which personality is more truthful a reflection of him.

Either way, I think we all know that if we went out with him for a night it would be one we likely wouldn't forget ;)

Thanks again Tom, your suggestion is much appreciated!

Young Bad Boy Scott Buker (1)

Young Bad Boy Scott Buker (2)

Young Bad Boy Scott Buker (3)

Young Bad Boy Scott Buker (4)

Young Bad Boy Scott Buker (5)

Young Bad Boy Scott Buker (6)

Young Bad Boy Scott Buker (7)

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10 years ago

good lord!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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