You Wouldn’t Kick Gorgeous Charlie Matthews Out Of Bed!

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Happy Friday guys!

Another week is over and I'm so happy I can get away from this desk and spend some time outside. After the insane temps here over much of this week you can bet I'm hoping for a little more rain and I won't mind being outside it in.

After seeing these pics of gorgeous Charlie Matthews I'm actually tempted to enjoy the next spell of rain in my undies, too lol

Don't alert the neighbors :)

We've seen this studly American hunk here at Gay Body Blog a few times in the past but it's been a while since we last ogled him.

He's one of those dudes who always gets a lot of love from you guys, so I expect some of you will be commenting below when you've checked out his various pics.

One thing we know about this handsome man is that he's a real tease and he knows how to tempt us. There are no naked pics out there that I'm aware of, but he knows the allure of posing in tight underwear or flashing his butt in a mirror!

Enjoy him again, let me know what you think of him in the comments, and hit the thumbs-up button. Why not share the post and invite your friends and followers to enjoy him, too?

Have a great Friday, see you back here tomorrow.

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J.A. Fludd
2 years ago

You couldn’t get gorgeous Charlie Matthews INTO bed unless you were a woman or you were another Charlie Matthews.

2 years ago

I love to join

2 years ago

I want him in the readingroom!

2 years ago

No, non lo butterei GIU’ dal letto, anzi mi butterei io sopra di lui sul letto !

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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