You Want More Of Davide Marinoni Right?

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Just yesterday we had a gorgeous collection of pics featuring Italian stallion Davide Marinoni, and of course I had to get out there and look for more of the guy, and wonder why we hadn't seen a hundred shoots with him already. It turns out he also goes by the name "David", and "Daniel Fit", and he performs on cam. It also seems he's into guys and might have a boyfriend (sadly, as if I even stood a chance lol) I have no idea why he seems to have three different names, but if you have any idea then please let me know in the comments. I'm guessing it might be an attempt to separate his social media from his male modeling and his cam shows. We don't know much more about the sexy jock dude other than he's 27, he's Italian, and he's lovely. He's certainly not shy and one look at his social media shows us that he's pretty proud of his body, and that gorgeous ass. We would all be proud to be naked too if we all looked like that! He gives us a bit of a teasing show in this shoot by Patryck Lebrun, enjoying the sun and the water on the coast, once again. Leave a comment and let me know what you guys think of him. Isn't he gorgeous? Share the post so all your lucky friends and followers get to check him out too. Most importantly, have a fantastic Sunday.

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6 years ago

Really nice and clean body….bet he looks great on cam. His body is perfect for nudity, and he is good-looking!

6 years ago

Beautiful, not too muscly body. Inkless. He needs to find a new hairstylist though…

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