You Should Have Expected We Would See Jorge Cobian Again

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Happy Monday guys!

I hope you're all doing well and that you're getting over the potential stress of Christmas and New Year. I had a lovely time but I'm kind of glad it's over.

You know who isn't in the least bit stressed? Jorge Cobian.

This man has got all his shit together, you just know it.

While we don't know much about his personality you can just tell by the way he carries himself that he's super organized, right? I mean, you don't get a body like this from being a procrastinator, and I know this from experience.

No, Jorge Cobian probably had all his gifts bought in October. They were probably all wrapped up and beautifully presented by November, like his immense package in these photos by MDZmanagement.

And my God wouldn't we all love to unwrap his package!

Don't worry, if you want to see the generous uncut dong he's hiding in those snug briefs you can click on his name above and see all the posts we've enjoyed with him in the past, including some very erotic shoots where he leaves nothing to the imagination.

Of course, we all want more shoots like that from this gorgeous man. Stay tuned, I'm always on the lookout for more of this guy and you never know what we might get.

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, do all the things.

Have a fantastic Monday!

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2 years ago

Of course we would, Jorge Cobian is in love with Jorge Cobian!

2 years ago

quelles nuances de bleus et lui si beau en blanc , j’adule

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