You Know We Were Going To Enjoy More Of Handsome Daddy Hunk Matt Dubbe
I'm now wondering at what age I should stop referring to other men as being "daddies". This guy might actually be younger than I am lol
We saw the first pics of Matt Dubbe here at Gay Body Blog on Tuesday, but I did say I was going to look for more of him and see what I could dig up.
Unfortunately there are no dick pics out there, so let's all collectively deal with that for a moment before we move on to the thirst trap pics we do have.
I can tell you a little more about him.
He's from Scottsdale, Arizona. I'm not American but when I hear Arizona I imagine a lot of handsome, bearded and burly men shirtless and in the wild. If I'm wrong then please don't correct me.
And he would be one of those men. He's a self-described outdoorsman. He's the kind of handsome hunk I would very much like to go camping with.
He's also a physical therapist, which just makes him more interesting. Maybe he could help me with my knees while we're camping? lol
Oh God I sound so old.
Surprisingly being a male model isn't really mentioned out there much, at least not by him. It really should be, because he's awesome to look at.
Enjoy him again. I'm going to go and sink into a bathtub of ice and hope that my country moves a little further away from the sun.
Have a lovely Thursday, see you back here tomorrow!

This is so wrong, yet why does it feel so right? I should find his porntash a right turn off, but I don’t?!
He’s right out of Colt Studio at its zenith. What a stud!
He has also been in campaigns for Rufskin, Tom of Finland Organic Vodka, and most recently Charlie by MZ.
A kind of Johnny Westmuller ‘s Tarzan , granddaddy, why not ?