You Already Knew We’d Have More Of Big Man Bruin Collinsworth

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Happy Sunday everyone!

I hope your weekend has been going well. Mine has been a big manic, I have to admit.

I attempted to get all my Christmas gift shopping done on Friday but I miraculously ended up in the pub with friends and that kind of put an end to my mission. So I've been back out there for the last couple of days.

You all know I need my daily distraction, so I thought it would be nice to revisit huge muscle hunk Bruin Collinsworth for today's post.

If you didn't see the first post with him on Friday then you're missing out and you need to click here to take a look.

We're enjoying a second half of the shoot by photographer Ashton Jay, and this second half is hotter than the first mostly because we get to enjoy his big ass, too lol

Mr. Collinsworth is a big guy, in every respect.

I don't know if there are nude pics of him out there anywhere but I'm guessing there probably are and I'm going to spend a while looking for those pics.

By all means let me know in the comments if you can point me in the right direction and save me some time :)

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, do all the things. Mostly have a lovely Sunday and I'll see you back here tomorrow!

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2 years ago

un poilu avec le bonnet en sus et la couleur kaki de suspensoir , un méchant sergent chef un rien sadique du type à vous mettre tout entier dans la boue: mais 50 ans plus tard peut on lui en vouloir quand la réalité a dépassé la fiction et que vous en étiez plus qu’un figurant, mais un second rôle ?,

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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