You All Want More Of Sexy All-American Jock Michael Dean Johnson

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We've seen Michael Dean Johnson here at Gay Body Blog a few times in the past but it's been about five years since we last checked him out.

I don't know why it's taken that long, clearly we've been missing out on a lot of great photos of this handsome young man and his incredible physique.

He's changed a little since those early days, of course.

Back then he was a very boyish young man with a great athletic jock body, but now he's really grown into it and packed on more muscle. He's more handsome than he was back then, even though he was gorgeous when we first saw him.

You'll notice that he does a lot of promo work.

Looking the way he does it's no wonder brands want people to see him with their products.

He's one of those fitness hunks you can totally imagine being on posters at the gym advertising everything from supplements to sportswear.

Enjoy him again. I think I'll have to go and see what else I can find of this handsome hunk. In the meantime leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post.

Have a great Thursday and I'll see you all back here for more hotness tomorrow!

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2 years ago

What a waste, uninspired boring shots.

William M
William M
2 years ago

Where are the nudes, and I mean full frontal and ass shots of this handsome guy?

2 years ago

A bit too much of everything! Everything? No, we don’t see his dick. But we all know that many bodybuilders have a tiny one, due to all the medications/drugs (?) they’re taking.
Yeah John, boring shots and boring shorts!

2 years ago

He has a great body and great legs. I agree that the shorts are boring and the poses boring. A highly-paid athletic model might like to do actual modeling instead of eating and endorsing products in virtually every shot (Here I am, eating a candy bar, drinking a protein shake, etc.) He is a very hot guy, but these are poor choices for themes.

2 years ago

Too much warrior for me, Nitro ( I suppose he puts glycerine in his pocket ) and a gun in the package (Your balls will thank you) nonsense of Belgian humoristic words , of course

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