Yes, We Need More Of Male Model Tom Zalac Showing Off That Bod

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So, this is the third time we've seen gorgeous Tom Zalac here at Gay Body Blog and I'm still out there trying to find some nude shoots with him. For some reason I've convinced myself that they must exist, a man like this, as sexy as this, must have been in at least one erotic shoot over the last couple of years.

Is it okay to recruit some of you to help me look? By all means, if you know of a shoot featuring this handsome hottie in which he shows off a little more skin please let me know in the comments.

As we know, this sexy man is Croatian/American, and he happens to be a pastry chef when he's not posing for awesome photos. I know that seems a little unusual, but I'm glad he's not another male model who works as a personal trainer. I mean, I get that, but does every hot model have to work at a gym? It's so dispiriting knowing that's probably the only way so many of them manage to stay in shape lol

Anyway, I've blabbed on for far too long, check out these sexy photos from a random collection of very lucky photographers who've had the honor of working with this strikingly handsome man, and don't forget to hit that thumbs-up button and leave a comment below.

Have a lovely Saturday!

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4 years ago

This is getting better and better!

4 years ago

He’s stunning, beyond handsome. Hairy and ripped: the perfect combination.

4 years ago

Is this the male version of Anne Hathaway lol

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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