Yes! We Have More Of Davide Zongoli!

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Yesterday we went on a little excursion with gorgeous muscled hunk Davide Zongoli, skating around town in nothing but some very impressive bulging underwear. Of course I wanted to share more of him considering it's been so long since we last enjoyed the gorgeous stud.

This is part two of that shoot, which I guess I could have delivered all in one go, but I think to really appreciate him I needed to split it.

He is one of the finest looking men in the business, and I'm not just saying that because he's packing a big cock into those hot little undies. Genuinely, he's so attractive, and that body is insanely tight and ripped.

It's not often you see a guy so incredibly toned like this, and with just the right amount of fur too. It I was going to compare his body to any other guy it would probably be porn star Paddy O'brian, who seems to have the same kind of awesome definition and muscle tone.

I've seen guys like that at the gym too, and believe me they are a massive distraction for me, especially when they're in the showers after :)

Enjoy this second helping of the hunky dude, and leave a comment too. Hit that thumbs-up button and share the post with your friends and followers, you know they want to see this!

Have a fantastic Tuesday. Let me know if you felt the need to dust off those old roller-skates after this :)

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5 years ago

I would love to see this guy skating down my street. He is really HOT!!!!

rob beck
rob beck
4 years ago

He needs those muscles to do poses like these!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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