Yes, We Definitely Needed More Of Ripped Jock Model Jeremy Winter

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Well, whaddaya know, the first batch of hot pics featuring gorgeous male model, actor and personal trainer Jeremy Winter were just the start. I got out there looking around for more of this gorgeous young man last night and I found some more pics from this shoot with Armando Adajar and of course we had to see these here on the blog.

I have to confess that after seeing the first photos I spent far too long thinking about him, or more specifically I spent a stupid amount of time thinking about being the one oiling him up for this shoot. Can you imagine having that job? I'm assuming someone was lucky enough to provide that duty, and we're all jealous of them.

I also should mention that this seems to be a shoot specifically for the HUNK² brand. I know we've seen their gear on the blog a few times and while we don't really promote brands like this we're more than happy to let you know about them when they insist on hiring stunning men like this guy.

Yes, I am probably going to be spending some more time this evening looking around out there for a few more shoots with handsome and ripped Jeremy, so wish me luck. Surely he's been in front of the cameras for several lucky photographers already, and I want to find all of those shoots :)

Leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, share the post if you can. Most importantly of all, have a great Sunday, won't you?

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5 years ago

Truly a “model” — the kind of man people call a specimen. One thing, though — the furrowed brow. If I had to caption EVERY photo, I’d go with “Let’s see, the square of the hypotenuse….”

5 years ago

Glad you found more. He’s about as perfect a model for this swimwear as possible.

5 years ago

when he choices the good swimwear, he is terrific, and what a fine face !

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