Yes, We Have A Little More Of Adrian HC In The Woods

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It's almost the end of the weekend, and I hope you guys have been making the most of it so far. I've been out in the sun for a lot of it, enjoying a few beers with friends and finally getting away from my desk for a while. Believe me, it's been a long week, I deserve some beers! As you probably know, over the last couple of days I've been shamelessly gushing about the work of photographer Adrián C. Martín and male model Adrian HC, and with good reason. There's a little more to enjoy before we put this collection of photos to bed and move on to something new, but already I'm hoping for more in this theme and style. We haven't talked much about this handsome guy's amazing ass, or his cock bulge, but both definitely deserve a mention. He's packing quite a lot into those undies but we all want to see him totally out of them. I don't think he's done a whole lot since we saw him the first time a while back, but after this shoot I'm guessing we're going to be getting more of the handsome hunk - hopefully some of it will be more revealing, too! Leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button. If you can share this post around with your friends and followers then please do, I'm sure they'll appreciate it. Have a lovely Sunday guys, see you back here tomorrow :)

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7 years ago

huge slab of beef

7 years ago

What an excellent body!!

7 years ago

Fab photography & im addicted to this human..

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