Yep, We Need More Of Laurent Marchand

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There are a few guys that I know everyone reading our blog here will appreciate when I post about them, and Laurent Marchand is one of those guys.

We've seen him on the blog a few times before and he always gets a lot of love. It's entirely understandable, he's a gorgeous male model, with an awesome body, and a great long uncut cock that he's really not shy about showing off.

He's one of those few models who can easily straddle the line between professional catwalk shows and full-on erotic performance. He can go from posing in a fashion shoot for a world-renowned photographer to getting his cock out on cam for his fans.

We love him for it, and any opportunity to see this gorgeous guy naked is not going to be missed by me.

I think we might have seen one of these photos on the blog before, but I believe the rest might be new to us. So, sit back, enjoy, admire, perhaps drool a little at the prospect of playing with him, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!

Don't forget to hit that thumbs-up button, and feel free to share this post around out there so your friends and followers can enjoy him too!

Have a great Monday :)

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5 years ago

very nice

5 years ago

Love that kitchen pic. Can I lick the spoon?

4 years ago

he is absolutely perfect…

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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