Who Wouldn’t Want To Wake Up With Jeremy Douillé?

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This isn't the first time we've seen handsome and ripped hunk Jeremy Douillé on the Gay Body Blog, but I think we definitely need more of him after this new underwear shoot. Even though this collection by photographer Sandeep Sahni for L’Homme Invisible isn't as erotically driven as the previous examples we've seen, it is sumptuously gorgeous, and he is looking every bit as delicious as he has in the past for other photographers. I have to mention that I'm not entirely sure why he's looking so surprised in a couple of these photos. I guess that's a theme or style choice of the photographer. I can't say I get it, but as long as we get to see this handsome man wearing as little as possible I'm totally okay with overlooking that. Whatever the theme is supposed to be (classical, or regal, maybe?) he's looking incredible. When it comes to handsome guys with great athletically muscled physiques he's definitely right up there in the top ten, for me at least. Will we find a nude shoot with him eventually? I don't know, but you can bet I'm gonna keep looking, and sharing his shoots when I find them. Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him, and have a glorious Monday.

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