Would You Work Out With Ben Dudman?
I guess I could have phrased that differently, perhaps "would you work up a sweat with Ben Dudman?" lol
I should probably clarify... he would likely kill me if I tried to work out at his level, but for everything *else* I would be more than down. By the look of that bulge he could keep a greedy guy like me busy for a while :)
He's a London hunk who knows he's got something special, and I have to admit that the guys at the gym who look even a little like him get all my adoring attention when I'm there.
I can't believe we haven't seen this guy on the blog before, but I am often amazed by the number of gorgeous men there are out there who I've never seen despite the fact I basically live on the Internet and spend far too much of my time ogling dudes like him.
Seriously, I need a drool sponge case for my iPhone.
Sorry for that gross notion, it sounded better in my head.
Anyway, enjoy his photos in this shoot by Qandrew Photography and drool as you wish, admire that rippling physique and contemplate the idea that there is potentially an alternate reality where you're his workout buddy.
Have an awesome Wednesday!

Beautiful physique! Any day!