Would You Love To Fool Around With This Bareback Muscle Man?

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Okay, so his solo in the shower didn't capture your attention the way I thought it might, but this time the bareback muscle man is delivering an impressive performance alongside another great guy.

I'm talking about huge dude Neil Henryk, of course.

This powerful daddy started out at Jawked by topping one of their other buff hunks, and I think that's what he's good at.

Nico Vegas is more than eager to test that out in this new bareback pounding.

They start out with a little innocent massage - which seems to be a common theme in porn these days - but it's not long before they're working those dongs.

While most of you are gonna be down to watch him ramming Nico's butt I have to point out there's a hell of a lot of great oral between these guys.

Fans of long sessions of cock sucking are going to have a blast seeing these two service each other. They can't seem to get enough, especially Neil.

If he started out straight or curious then it's fair to say he's worked things out.

Check out some of the pics and click here to see the big bareback muscle man owning Nico's hole. The two have a great time together and I already know they're both gonna be back for more.

I would actually love to see them in another video one-on-one, they make a great team!

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1 year ago

Terrible haircut!

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