Would You Gut Fish With Marlon Teixeira?

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He's one of the most gorgeous young male models we have ever seen, but would you gut fish with Marlon Teixeira?

I guess that's a pretty stupid question to ask, I think most of you would do a lot more than that if you had the chance to spend some quality time with this buff and tanned hottie :)

He's being photographed by Eduardo Rezende for this shoot, someone I'm not sure we've heard of before but if these pics are any indication of his usual work I definitely want more.

The gorgeous guy is out on the beach and looking about as fine as fine can be, casting his net and drawing in his catch, then slicing and chopping on the bottom of an old boat. I can't say it's something I would relish myself, but with this setting and this guy beside me I have a feeling I would be too distracted to care - in fact I would be risking losing a finger because I would be too busy watching him.

See guys, this is what beach shoots look like; interesting and creative, not the same thing of hunky guys strolling along the sand or looking like they're suffering a seizure in the surf lol

Anyway, I hope he makes your Sunday a little more special, I know he's brightened my somewhat gray afternoon.

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9 years ago

Gut fish…hell yes! Actually, can’t think of anything I WOULDN’T do with Marlon!!!

9 years ago


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