Working Out With Gabriel Lenfant

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Now, I know a lot of people get a little but fidgety on a Thursday. A lot of people are just waiting for the weekend and hoping that the clock ticks by just a little bit faster. So rather than wait for some delicious pics from one of my fave porn sites until tomorrow, I though you might like a little "installment" thing instead? How about this, I'll share some of the pics from a non-nude set over on Next Door Male, and then tomorrow I'll add the hard and horny pics of the same guy too?

Come on, we all like a tease don't we? And who better to tease than the delicious Gabriel Lenfant? He's a pretty new guy on there, I haven't seen him on video before and I'm not sure he's made it onto any of the other Next Door sites yet either. But I can already tell that this hot jock boy is gonna be really popular.

This boy has a lot going for him. He's sexy, handsome, has a little natural fur, a great muscled body - and he's uncut too!

Now, just see if you can try to be patient until tomorrow and not click through to the site to see the video. Leave it as a little treat for the end of the week, something to look forward to ;)

Hairy Muscle jock Gabriel Lenfant Hairy Muscle jock Gabriel Lenfant Hairy Muscle jock Gabriel Lenfant Hairy Muscle jock Gabriel Lenfant Working Out With Gabriel Lenfant at Next Door Male Working Out With Gabriel Lenfant at Next Door Male Working Out With Gabriel Lenfant at Next Door Male Working Out With Gabriel Lenfant at Next Door Male Working Out With Gabriel Lenfant at Next Door Male

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