Working Out With Erasmo Viana

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There are a few guys out there in the world that actually almost render me speechless, and Erasmo Viana is one of them. I was having coffee and desperately trying to persuade a friend of mine to join my gym in the new year - I know he's gonna make that resolution to get in shape anyway, and then not stick to it - and was trying everything to get him to come with me and sign up there and then. So he changed the subject and asked me who my absolutely ideal work out buddy would be.

Without a moment of hesitation I said Erasmo Viana.

Can you believe he didn't know who he is? I had to get on the net right there and look for some pics to show him, and that's when I found these shots of the hunk working out for a photo shoot.

Needless to say my buddy totally understood why I would choose this guy. Not only would he keep me motivated (seriously hot bod) but he'd offer some great eye candy for locker room and shower time too ;)

I probably don't need to say anything about the cock bulge do I? No, didn't think so lol

Is there anyone you can think of that you'd love to ave as a workout buddy? If you don't do anything more energetic than walking to the fridge for a beer, who out there would be able to get you motivated? Please share ;)

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Working Out With Erasmo Viana (4)

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