Working Out With Fit Hunk Chad White

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It's been almost two years since we last saw Chad White on the Gay Body Blog, and obviously this is an entirely unacceptable situation. He's one of the most gorgeous male models in the world, in my humble opinion, and I'm not entirely sure why we haven't been enjoying him more. Well, that's changing today, and I'm thinking we might have to have a flurry of posts featuring this handsome jock model and his amazing body on the blog over the next couple of weeks. I'm guessing there's been a lot over the last couple of years that we haven't seen! This shoot is a bit of an old one, from last summer I believe, but any shoot with Chad White shirtless deserves to be seen on here regardless of how old it might be. The photographer is Milan Vukmirovic, following the sexy man around and heading to the park where he's working up a sweat and making use of the facilities. Can you imagine just being out there going about your day and enjoying the sun and seeing this stunning man working out? You would be tempted to join in, right? And, yes, I feel entirely out of shape looking at this collection of images. Damn, I need to start moving around a lot more! Have a great Saturday guys, let me know in the comments what you think of Chad, and if you know of any great shoots with him we should feature please share that too!

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