Woody Fox & Jacob Peterson Share Christmas At The Campground

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I hope you had a great Christmas Day yesterday. I did, I spent the day with family drinking too much and eating my weight in great food. It's probably not sensible to be looking at these guys in this recent arrival on the Falcon Studios site and comparing myself to them, right after gorging and indulging for several days. Yes, I was just enjoying this hardcore video with Woody Fox and Jacob Peterson getting it on in a camping themed session of cock loving and I started to think that I really need to get to the gym as soon as possible, and stick with it through 2017  :) I think that's a sure sign I over-indulged! The timing might be a little off for this one from my perspective. It's currently snowing outside my window. Of course, it's not the same everywhere, these California dudes could actually be out there camping right now and sharing their dicks in the outdoor showers. Yes, I'm jealous of that. Seth is a great bottom for Woody, taking that hard dick in some great positions and finishing up pumping his load out and getting a mouthful of fresh cream from his hung top too! You might not have been expecting this horniness on Boxing Day, but you got it anyway. Enjoy :)

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8 years ago

Jacob Peterson is one of my favorites. He’s got my vote any time.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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