Will Ignacio Pérez Rey Ever Stop Being Drop Dead Gorgeous?

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I hope not, because he's definitely in my top twenty of handsome hunks we need to see a whole lot more of in the future. It's been just over five months since we last saw Ignacio Pérez Rey on the Gay Body Blog and I think we all agree that this is far too long to have to wait to see that handsome face and incredible body again. He's posing in some very sexy swimwear from the Garcon Model brand this time around, with legendary photographer Rick Day doing the honors. I love that guy, but I'm totally jealous of him too. He takes great photos, with amazing guys in gorgeous locations, and I so desperately wish that was my life lol This handsome musclebound dude has always been a big guy, but I think he's looking even more buff now than he has in any previous shoot. I guess he's been hitting it hard at the gym. Now, I have to admit that while I would usually suggest that I would love to be in Sitges, Spain, where this shoot was taken, at the moment it's far too hot in the UK and I can only imagine it would be worse there. I can't believe I just said that, I think the heat might be melting my brain. Enjoy his handsome goodness, let me know what you guys think of him in the comments, hit that thumbs-up! Have a fab Friday :)

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Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
6 years ago

Ignacio Pérez Rey is gorgeous and sexy too. Thanks for sharing these great pix of him.

6 years ago

Great body! Models those suits perfectly. Garcon picks the best and cleanest models.

W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

What’s going on here? More and more of these postings seem to be advertisements for sexy albeit overpriced undies that’d only appeal to gay men. Who in their right mind spends 40 dollars and more for a pair of underwear when it’s easier and cheaper to go ‘commando’? More and more nudes of these hot guys please.

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