Wilderness Boy Josh Conners

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I love Fridays, especially now I post some hardcore action starring some really hot guys. It's a great way for me to end the week and look forward to the weekend of partying (and maybe hooking up!)

But I have to admit that after watching this video last night over on Randy Blue I'm thinking of trading in my weekend of bar visits and parties in favor of a little hiking. Don't get me wrong, I know that the possibility of stumbling across a hot young hunk like Josh Conners jerking off in the woods might be highly unlikely, but it doesn't mean I can't take a buddy with me and make it happen! ;)

He's another new guy on the site there, and I guess he's inspired them to do something a little different. He says he loves the great outdoors, so they took that further and considered that perhaps he likes getting his meat out and enjoying himself out there too. What better theme for a debut video with a delicious guy like him?

With his great mix of handsome boyish good looks, an athletically toned body and a really delicious looking dick, this really is one of those video you can just sit back and enjoy. No jumping forward required for this one boys, because I don't think you'll want to miss a single frame of his solo.

Gorgeous Jock Boy Josh Conners Jerking Off at Randy Blue

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