Wicked Star Jonathan Bailey’s Nude Scenes

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Out heartthrob Jonathan Bailey makes the jump from the small screen to the big screen with this weekend’s sure-fire blockbuster movie adaptation of the long-running Broadway musical Wicked. He plays the character Fiyero Tigelaar and will star alongside Ariana Grande (as Glinda) and Cynthia Erivo (as Elphaba). But you already knew all of that! 

Unless the movie version of Wicked takes some extreme creative liberties with the source material, sadly Jonathan Bailey will not be getting naked here. No matter. We’re helping fans prep for one of the biggest movie events of the year with all of Jonathan Bailey’s hottest nude and gay scenes. Keep scrolling to see the Jonathan Bailey gay sex scenes with Matt Bomer in Fellow Travelers, Jonathan Bailey’s (incredible) booty in Bridgerton, and more. You’ll be defying gravity in your pants. As they say.

See these full uncensored scenes here (NSFW)

Jonathan Bailey’s First Nude Scene In The 2016 Series Crashing

The same year Fleabag was released, Phoebe Waller-Bridge created and starred in another Netflix comedy, Crashing. Bailey gets gay and shows off that ass, which will only get more sculpted as we travel down his nudity timeline.

Jonathan Bailey’s Butt In Bridgerton

Moms need some love too, and they loved what they saw when Bailey showed his butt in both the first episode of the first season of Bridgerton and the first episode of the second season. Get ‘em hooked early.

Jonathan Bailey’s Nudity And Gay Sex Scenes In Fellow Travelers

Bailey embraced his sexuality on screen in his explosively sexual historical romance with Matt Bomer, Fellow Travelers. He puts Matt Bomer’s foot in his mouth, gets banged sideways by Bomer multiple times, and at the end of the show returns the favor. It’s your turn, Wicked, show us what you’ve got…

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3 months ago

du coeur à l’ouvrage

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