Why Is This The First Time We’re Seeing Levy Van Wilgen?

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Every now and then a dude arrives in my emails who just shocks me. That happened this morning. One of my friends sent me these pics of Levy Van Wilgen and I probably just sat there staring at him for about 15 minutes lol

Then, once I'd composed myself, I started looking around out there for more information about him.

I'm shocked that this is the first time we're seeing him here at Gay Body Blog and I predict that this big hunk of a hung stud is going to have you all wanting more of him.

I can tell you a little about him, but I think most of you are just going to be staring at the goodies for most of your time here today lol

He's from the Netherlands, and he's an interesting guy.

Obviously he's gorgeous. He has an incredible body, a handsome face, and one of the most impressive dicks I have ever seen on a dude.

Aside from that, he's a business man who owns and runs LVW Amsterdam, an underwear company.

As a big fan of underwear myself I felt the need to mention it.

He designs the gear, he models it, and he's showing some of it off in these very sexy photos.

He's also a former soccer player, a personal trainer and spent time in the military.

If all of that doesn't get your heart racing I don't know what could.

Enjoy his pics and let me know what you guys think in the comments. I'm gonna guess a lot of you are gonna be hitting the thumbs-up button and leaving a comment :)

Have a lovely Friday!

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Robert Hensley
Robert Hensley
2 years ago

Wow. Beautiful man.

J.A. Fludd
J.A. Fludd
2 years ago

Nice one. He should keep his hands away from what he’s got down there.

2 years ago

That BODY. My my…

2 years ago

Hallo Levy.

Hartelijke groeten vanuit Amsterdam. De volgende keer kan je “wat” meer laten zien, haha. Mooie man!

2 years ago

Incredible dick and equally yummy ass

2 years ago

That dick must be hanging at 7 inches, so fully hard he must have nearly a foot. Amazing muscularity, with his bulging abs a highlight.

2 years ago

Beyond stunning.

2 years ago

what an ass et lui si beau avec ses lunettes

2 years ago

This is proof. Breathtaking before the more recent photos. Wow.

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