Why Is There Not Enough Of Michael Scanlon Out There?

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I'm annoyed.

We all have favorite male models, we see a lot of utterly gorgeous men here at Gay Body Blog, but so many of them seem to drop out of the spotlight for ridiculous lengths of time.

Michael Scanlon is one of those men.

We've seen him here just twice before, and both of those posts were back in 2020. Both posts were a mix of photos from all kinds of photographers.

So, I have to ask, why aren't there cohesive shoots with this gorgeous hunk, and why aren't they being published every few months?

He's one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. He has an incredible body. His smile is enough to get our attention.

I can only imagine that he's so busy playing Rugby, acting and working as a realtor that he doesn't have enough time to meet up with some of the best photographers in the world to deliver the goods we all crave.

You know he has to be getting inquiries from photographers all the time. Can you imagine being a photographer and not wanting to have this gorgeous man in front of you? It's unthinkable! lol

Enjoy him again, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button.

Let's all hope that he finds time to pose for some proper sexy shoots with some of those photographers, because we all need to see a lot more from him.

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