Who Wouldn’t Want More Of Fabien Sassier Showing His Cock?

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Well, what a great way to end the week! While I realize that we might be getting dangerously close to Gay Body Blog becoming a fan site for handsome musclebound hunk Fabien Sassier I can't help but share photos of him when I find new pics.

This man has been here on the blog so many times already it's getting harder to check what images we've seen from him before, but I'm pretty sure all of the images in this post are new to us. Even if one or two aren't I'm sure you're not going to complain too much :)

He's always been popular. When we first saw him showing off that big buff body and lovely uncut cock back in October last year he was an instant hit and brought in plenty of new viewers, so of course I'm always going to be looking for more of the guy.

I am running out of new things I could possibly say about his gorgeous Frenchman, though. I mean, I think I've already described him in every way imaginable.

So, I'll just say that I wouldn't mind being his personal photographer and I'm looking forward to seeing all the work he might be doing this yea and next. Now that things are getting back to normal I assume he'll be a very busy man and there are probably a dozen photographers waiting to get him in front of their cameras.

Enjoy him again, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, and have a fantastic Friday!

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3 years ago

He shouldn’t be allowed to wear clothes ever again!

3 years ago

What a beautiful man! I engulfe his dick with my mouth and bury my cock in his luscious ass!!!

3 years ago

Just a incredible hunk! I assume he has an Onlyfans type offering? This man could be the greatest porn star working in the business today! We can always dream !

3 years ago

I don’t get tired of saying this that there should be a law specifically forbiding him ever wearing clothes again. Covering up that gorgeous body will be capital punishment!

3 years ago

that man is just gorgeous

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